Monday 7 March 2011

River Holme

Floating Holme ...

Tonight I went to Holmfirth to talk about being involved in Holmfirth Arts Festival. I met with festival organiser, Jonathan Best, and introduced the idea I have for a project called Hyrdosphere* which is a global water project that will explore the interconnectivity of the earth's climate and water system. The starting point for this long term project is a piece of work called Confluence*

*Hydrosphere n. all the water on the surface of the earth or in its atmosphere
*Confluence n. a flowing together of two or more streams; the place where they join; a coming together of people

The idea behind Confluence is my interest in meeting with people whose lives are connected to water in some way. I'd like to capture people's stories about their connection to or experiences of water and document the places or stretches of water that are significant to them. The intention is try to highlight individual aspects of the earth's water system through human relationships with water and by bringing these individual stories together begin to reveal a bigger picture of the world's water.

I'm hoping to start the Confluence project this year in Holmfirth looking at people's relationships with the River Holme.

After the meeting I walked across a bridge over the river and saw this beautiful light installation which held me mesmerised. It felt auspicious.